Many succesful people as a additional tool for foucusing their energy toward their life’s objectives create Vision boards, that represent visual representation of their ideal life.
Vision boards help activating The law of attraction that attracts the right people, things and circumstances into their life.
How to create your Vision board?
Whenever we talk about sales, there is often certain number of people that will tell us I’m not a salesperson and I would not be able to sell anything in my life!. If you personally said this at some point, here is the news for you: We are all sellers and we all sell every day! We are not referring solely to the selling of products or services. We are talking about selling yourself – selling your ideas, values, wants and goals. There is no positive life experience that you obtained without skills of selling and influencing.
It is hard to find one comprehensive definition of stress. We can say that stress is a body reaction to the need for constant adjustment to changes in the environment and a condition that appears when a person perceives that the demands outbalance personal and social resources that a person can mobilize.
Can you recognize yourself in the following?
Do you also believe that the new century imposes an unwritten rule that some things will never be the same, and some new shapes and forms will take place, advancing our knowledge, systems we operate in and overall business framework? In a world swallowed by the globalization process, we must learn to adapt new tools and techniques that if not used right away, quite soon leave you behind your competitors.
Why is Leadership important to us, in the first place?