Now also available as a company training option exclusively for the managers of your company.

Over 35,000 key managers and company owners have placed their trust in us during our 22 years of operation.

We are here for you if you wish to do the same.

Welcome to our and your MANAGEMENT ACADEMY OF SUCCESS!

Long-term partnership with over 160 client companies.


Nikica Kalaba

"My wish is to attend more similar trainings as you cannot become in life what you wish, unless you fully do not understand yourself and if you stay where you are. Two trainings of two days in one month which I spent with wonderful participants, different professional profiles and lifestyles, lecturers and motivators of this useful training who uniquely, with practical examples, without dull presentations..."

Nikica Kalaba, Sales Director for Micro & Agro Clients, Komercijalna Banka
Milan Zivanic

"Prejudice? Another training with the same content, by break time I will forget what we talked about? Just hope I do not fall asleep this time? ... My beginning ... and my end?

I saw the end immediately after half an hour of handful of energy that surrounded me, and it was coming out of me. Like the opening of a box that was closed for a long time and gold dust was gathered..."

Milan Zivanic, Sales Director, Komercijalna banka
Daliborka Rancic

"It was my pleasure to meet you, team up with you in an atmosphere full of friendship, enthusiasm, happiness...  It seems that so far with no one did I get into RAPPORT so fast..."

Daliborka Rancic, Production Director, AURA
Ashen Ataljanc

"Once again I would like to express my gratitude publically to you and your team!
Mika Antic once said that the skill of creating poetry is not exhaling exccessive words! Every word you say is poetry, wise advice and for me it is an endless inspiration. Whenever I think it is impossible, those words inspire me, they move borders...
Your universe is perfect, like the people in it… Thank you for making me a part of it again and again!"

Ashen Ataljanc, Prima Ballerina and Founder of Ashen Ataljanc Dance School
Vedrana Lukic

"Thank you for the wonderful training and the experience you have shared with me, because each of us is different, everyone is story for themselves, everyone is a leader and with personal example and desire to learn and change ourselves, we show that we can and that we deserve to be stronger and better in that what we do."

Vedrana Lukic, General Manager, Capital Developments Ltd.
See complete list


Ranko Milicevic, NI / MOD Sales Manager, Schindler

I am delighted with the experience I gained at the Action Management Consulting Center. The instructors were very professional and committed and provided me not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical tools for successful leadership. The materials were carefully selected, structured, and adapted to contemporary challenges of business, and really helped me to understand the essential principles of leadership.

Ranko Milicevic, NI / MOD Sales Manager, Schindler
Nadežda Kokotović

"The most important thing during Action Business Coaching was that I realized my mistakes especially in relation to my associates and ways of correcting them.

I have learned to redirect negative feelings in business situations towards more independent decisions. My colleagues have noticed the results of the coaching and I consider it my greatest success..."

Nadezda Kokotovic, Head of General Manager Office, Petroleum Industry of Serbia
Ivana Mikavica

"I have always wanted to learn from the best and that wish came true for me in 2014 when I finally met Gordana Berger. I was exhilarated that I finally had an opportunity to work with a personal coach of such a high calibre. During my five Action Coaching Sessions I have discovered most essential inner programs of myself that highly impacted the quality of my life. Ms. Berger’s approach to self-growth is revolutionary in this field.

Ivana Mikavica, Translator of English and German
Ašhen Ataljanc

"The boundary between joy and sorrow is hours or minutes apart… I realized that the art of crossing side to side makes up our life. The room is small and often difficult to traverse. For that you need a master.

Thank you, Gordana, for your courage, the size of a grand master and skill to help me always be on the right side."

Ashen Ataljanc, Prima Ballerina and Founder of Ashen Ataljanc Dance School

"Gordana Berger has introduced me to the most important person in my life - to myself, or the part of my personality that has the capacity not only to solve the problems that I encounter, but to “liberate" me in those aspects of my life in which I was "stuck along the way".

See complete list

Great atmosphere, clear presentation and good supporting material are the caracteristics of this training. In addition to the specific skills you will also get a higher dose of positive energy, which makes the whole package even more valuable.

Dejan Lovric, Channel Development Manager& Head of Promotion Team, CT Computers

I am very pleased with the way the training had been conducted. The trainer is excellent, speaks language understandable to all participants and uses real practical examples. All compliments! A very useful and well designed training. It covers practical topics and provides real-life suggestions for solving various situations.

Marija Gardzic, HR Manager, DIS

I like the possibility to be on the same training with colleagues from the other industries with the opportunity to exchange experiences and network. Anyone who has a little bit involvement in negotiation process should necessarily join the training.

Radovan Todorovic, Assurance Manager, Ernst & Young

Gordana Berger is a woman whose example I follow in every aspect of my life. Conversations with her give me strength, and her advices encourage my fate in myself. This is how I felt as well when I was attending the training.

Ashen Ataljanc, Prima Ballerina and Founder of Ashen Ataljanc Dance School

Absolutely useful for persons who want to work on personal development and to improve their relationships with colleagues, friends and family...

Dr Dunja Polovina, Purchasing Manager, Fresenius Medical Care Serbia

I recommend this training to everyone that finds themselves in situations they think they cannot overcome. It only takes a small turn in different direction (out of the comfort zone) to turn situation around.

Aleksandar Pavlovic, Supply Planning and Purchasing Manager, Idea

My choice for training is always according to the energy of the person / trainer, and that is Gordana Berger. Maybe a little bit smaller groups would be more effective model for my personal progress during the training but I have completely fulfilled my expectations!This is a must training...

Anja Milic, Owner and Technical Director,

The atmosphere was excellent. A constructive and active group in accordance with the diversity of the business environment they come from. In a great atmosphere, with pleasant and professional trainer, different negotiation situations will become clearer.

Marko Jovanovic, Head of Control and Inventory Management, Idea

The hardest test for everyone is to get to know himself firstly in order to be able to get to know others and that is precisely what NLP enables us. I got to know myself, and others. Action NLP has made my life easier, and that was my goal...

Jelena Ljubisavljevic, HR & Marketing Director, Aluroll

I have learned to reach (and set) my goals, rather than only solving problems. I've learned not to take things personally, if it is not necessary...

Mladena Kosanovic

Innovative training that opens the door to many changes and gives the encouraging guidelines towards professional and personal development. Driving energy of Gordana Berger and Zorica's support give special power to new insights...

Jelena Vasilijevic, Head of Retail Department, Djak

Fantastic experience with lots of positive energy towards positive professional and personal growth. Lots of interesting people from different business areas, fantastic positive atmosphere and the trainer...

Marija Mihajlovic, Office Manager, International Trading School

An impressive insight to resources available to us and the majority of solutions that can be found inside of us if we manage to strengthen the will and establish the discipline that brings us forward.

Ana Bojovic, Recruitment and Selection Manager, Credit Agricole Bank

Very useful techniques and tools, well-designed tasks during exercises, friendly atmosphere and lovely female trainers and hosts are what is to be remembered. All compliments! Many thanks to you and keep up the good work!

Renata Smit Rastovic, Site Development and Functionality, Infostud

The training was excellent, compliments for interactivity and practicality that is particularly effective and important in such trainings. I would recommend it to anyone regardless of profession that wants to perfect their skills!

Zlatica Pavlovic, Wholesale Trader, Idea

Positive impressions, new angles, chunking down certain situations, analytical approach! Useful and applicable in many areas.

Mirko Sojic, Export Sales, Nectar

It is different from anything I have ever experienced. I've separated the two days of  my everyday life, and I think that'Who stands on a hill ever so briefly, sees so much more than the one in foothills.' Njegos

Dragica Bozinovic, Commercial Director, Novitas

Pleasant work atmosphere, outstanding relationship of trainer to the participants.

Useful training – it is necessary to attend it if you want to get to know yourself, establish effective communication...

Mirjana Zivkovic, Legal Manager, Djak

During her professional, inspirational training Gordana Berger teaches you how to grow and develop yourself, how to take advantage of your potentials andtake action to achieve results. The training looks like an interactive game,...

Vesna Jovic

The acquired knowledge is applicable; you've encouraged us by your behavior and suggestions to find the right solutions.

Gordana Stanojevic, Regional Retail Director, DIS

Very pleasant, at any time I got a feeling that the trainer was there for me. Concrete. Clear. Professionalism, many examples, "something new" out of standards and templates.

Djordje Ivanovic, Assistant Trader, Idea

Total renewal and change of personal state and behavior, perception of life, personal goals and wealth. Awake yourselves and the world around you.

Nenad Nestorovic, Full Insurance Coordinator, Takovo Insurance

I came to the key discoveries about myself, my future profession and new strategies that I will use in the future.

Marija Butulija, Expert Coordinator of GM Office, Petroleum Industry of Serbia

Anincredible experience. A journey through the present into the past, for the future. I learned how to learn and how to create myself, to change myself and to stay on my own. Sometimes you need to think aloud. We are not perfect, just try!

S. M.

It provides very practical and precise solutions and instructions for negotiations so that the knowledge obtained at the training can be applied in practice.

Dragana Djordjevic, Lawyer


Fun, interesting, useful! I would recommend it to all ages, because it is never too late to begin achieving your desires and goals. Action NLP personally helped me to interpret non-verbal communication, to identify my goals...

Boris Avlijas, FX Trader

People in different positions at their companies can discover through this training how their personal development and personal experience is the factor which significantly affects the team with whom they work. The training is very good to awake people regarding what they should do in their professional and personal life.

Milena Randjelovic

This training in a cheerful and innovative ways  provides new discoveries. Positive atmosphere, absence of pressure, interesting presentation, i.e., unusual (non-stereotyped) presentation approach.

Danijel Grgic, Category Manager, Idea

Great atmosphere, excellent selection of participants. Friendly environment, exchange of experiences and a wonderful way to learn something new.The trainer takes you from one level to another seamlessly...

Dragana Cosic, Large Client Relationship Manager, Komercijalna Banka

It is very important to understand that each person is an "iceberg" and that just very small part of us can be seen "easily" but below the surface there are another important personality layers...

Dino Mujanovic

Extremely positive energy and skills of the trainer to connect participants, boost energy and interest of all participants. The most important experience from this training is the awareness of how much valuable is to stop and look inside yourself...

Milos Tomanovic, Consultant, Omega Consulting Team

Stronger self-confidence, more creative, innovative, determined, focused on solutions, resolute, cheerful, brave, confident - the others also have noticed this. I graduated on time...

Snezana Momcilovic