During our management training program, you will have an opportunity to apply new principles and techniques for motivating employees and to solve challenges you previously saw as unsurpassable by using the latest models and tactics for dealing with case studies. Using systematic model to diagnose performance challenges you will be able do discover sources for discontent and reduced performance for the situations from your working environment of our own choice.
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
Zig Ziglar
Program duration: 2 days
Key advantages:
- Understanding how to motivate the employees using the most efficient motivation methods
- Self-realization of competences for motivating others and planning the steps necessary to improve motivation skills
- Better understanding of differences and the need for an appropriate approach when giving timely feedback
- Using methods and models in a safe environment during the training
- Future systematic diagnosis of actual performance problems with the employees
Main areas:
- Effective motivation methods
- A link between job satisfaction and success
- Elements of the Integrated motivational program
- Defining effective system for performance appraisal by means of setting objectives
- The role of managers in recognizing and rewarding positive initiative
- The model of strategic definition of behavior
- The influence of timed rewards, punishments and feedback on workers’ satisfaction
- Management by objectives (MBO)
- Transforming desired behavior into above-average behavior
- The importance of rewarding all the levels of improvement
- Using e-mails as timely motivation
- Securing feedback and timely rewards
- Action Performance Diagnostic Model
Examples of exercises and additional development tools:
- Motivational Skills Assessment (MSA) – Diagnostic questionnaire for Personal motivational skills self-assessment
- Case studies for dealing with challenges of motivating employees
- Action Performance Diagnostic Model